The North Coast
The North coast area offers the traveller the experence of beautyful coastlines award winning beaches with breath taking diversity of views including resorts like Portrush, Portstewart, Portballintrae, Downhill and Castlerock.
Included within this gallerie are photography of the historic Dunluce Castle, The Mussenden Temple, within this area of coastline you have great beaches like Downhil beach, Benone Strand.
Further areas of intrest include the world famous Giants Causeway, all are within driving distance on this costal Route.
This range of digital photography from vivid ireland photography capture picture images of landscapes, views of mountains, trees, rocks, costal scenes, rivers as well as its contrasting vista's of crumbling ancient castles, and the Giants Causeway within the Moyle to Coleraine districts of Northern Ireland some are shown here within my north coast gallery.
Included within this gallerie are photography of the historic Dunluce Castle, The Mussenden Temple, within this area of coastline you have great beaches like Downhil beach, Benone Strand.
Further areas of intrest include the world famous Giants Causeway, all are within driving distance on this costal Route.
This range of digital photography from vivid ireland photography capture picture images of landscapes, views of mountains, trees, rocks, costal scenes, rivers as well as its contrasting vista's of crumbling ancient castles, and the Giants Causeway within the Moyle to Coleraine districts of Northern Ireland some are shown here within my north coast gallery.
Evening at Dunluce Castle

Dunluce Castle V2
The Mussenden Temple

The Giant Causeway

Dunluce Castle

The Mussenden Temple

Cliff Top view of Dunluce Castle

Looking to Benone
The Causeway at Dawn
Last Light Evening Moon

Magnificant Dunluce Castle

Sand Castles & Seaside

Honeycomb Columns

Last light on the Strand

A North Coast Evening

Close to the Edge

The Mussenden Temple V2

The Causeway Coast

Causeway over the Sea

Step this Way

The HairBrush

Vintage Clock

No Entry Sign

Kain at Coleraine


The Handrail



Abstract Doorway

Bound Books £1

Red White Blueon
40,000 Columns and a Causeway

The Steps

Dunluce Castle in Green

Sound Design Music Photography
I'm a born again christian interested in sound design music and photography.