This section of Images is being made available through photographic works by Vivid Ireland Photography and other people the money raised will be towards a medical hospice in Nyeri Africa opened in 2008 by the Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle Belfast.
I will hopefully Include photography later in the year of Africa along with further pictures of my climb up Mount Kilimanjaro this trip will be for around twelve days from the 21st October - 2nd November 2009 and if time is available I would like to include further photography of Africa within my website.
The metropolitan tabernacle church are sending two large shipment containers with aid supplies including shoes, clothes, bedding, and medical equipment for distribution to the local community and with Gods help and a forty strong team we will accomplish this mission in Africa.
If you would like to contribute to the Whitewell Hospice or my sponsored Kilimanjaro climb event you can make your pledge via the print donations area of this page as I am not a registered charity any donations you may give will be greatly appreciated towards this event and all proceeds will go to the Whitewell Childrens Hospice after ebay take their their selling fees from any print donation customers offer towards this fund raising event God will bless you for your giving and I would also like to thank you for your donations offered to this event.
Mark Ireland
Kilimanjaro Team Member.
Reference # #00363
Picture Index Kilimanjaro / Mourne Mountains
Photographer: © Mark Ireland
Sound Design Music Photography
I'm a born again christian interested in sound design music and photography.