Kilimanjaro Climb update

1st Team Outing to Slieve Donard
Over the last 4 to 6 weeks I have been getting into some physical fitness for the 1st Kilimanjario team walk up Slieve Donard within the Mourne Mountains of Northern Ireland. This is the main mountain area we intend to use for our team pretraining before we go to kenya and Mount kilimanjaro.

Personal fitness for this trip is essential so I have been doing further pretraining workouts of between 1-1/2 to 2 hours on two evenings a week using the following exercise equipment.

The Treadmill

Rowing Machine


Having now completed the first training session on the 20.6.09 I now need to step up my overall fitness level before the next walk.
I found this first walk harder to complete than some team members on the day but I will continue my Personal fitness workouts to help increase my overall fitness level before the next team session and will keep you Informed of my progress.

God Bless

Mark Ireland

Kilimanjaro Team Member